Practice Makes Perfect(er)
Practice Makes Perfect(er) is a weekly group coaching program designed to give you hands on training and experience in highly effective communication skills. Each module can be implemented in your business and personal life immediately! And whenever you need a refresher, you can go back and watch a replay anytime you want as long as your membership remains active.*
All relationships, both personal and professional, are based on how effectively we communicate.
The better you can express your wants, needs, and intentions, the more you will succeed in every area of your life.
Similarly, the better you can understand someone else’s wants, needs, and intentions, the better you can help them succeed.
CLICK HERE to sign up now!
Some Concepts to be Covered
1. Future Pacing - make it more compelling using submodalities
2. The Rewind Technique
3. Placing a Goal in your Future Timeline
4. Adjusting your Mindset for Positive Expectations
5. Chunking - recognizing the emotional driver
6. Anchoring and firing states / emotional drivers (defining a state and the chain that gets a client there)
7. Values hierarchy
8. Values in goal setting
9. NLP Anchoring
10. Self-hypnosis + Triple Warmer technique
11. Metaphors and storytelling
12. EFT Tapping
13. Good communication - being at cause - 100% responsibility - removing blame from others
14. E = Empathy (Disarming Technique, Thought and Feeling Empathy,
15. A = Assertiveness - I feel statements
16. R = Respect - Stroking (finding something positive / feedback sandwich level up) - how to respect their model of the world
17. Reframing - finding multiple perspectives
18. Circular questioning
19. Ho’oponopono - using the forgiveness process for energy management
20. Sleight of Mouth fundamentals
21. Avatar - creating your client avatar using Layers of the Mind
22. Attracting your client avatar
23. Elevator pitch - Effectively framing what you do
24. Round table discussion about current struggles
25. DISC - review of prominent behavioral characteristics
26. Role playing with D
27. Role playing with I
28. Role playing with S
29. Role playing with C
30. Motives - review of prominent motivating characteristics
31. Motivating a theoretical
32. Motivating a utilitarian
33. Motivating an individualistic
34. Motivating an aesthetic
35. Motivating a social
36. Motivating a traditional
37. Layers of the Mind Model of coaching
38. GROW Model of coaching
39. FUEL Model of coaching
40. Funnel Model of coaching
41. Overcoming Objections with Chunking
42. Limiting beliefs - gaining wisdom from perspective
43. Acknowledging a person’s struggle - avoiding toxic positivity
44. Perceptual positions
45. Overcoming internal conflict with chunking for a common purpose
46. Ask anything open format
47. Meta model pt 1
48. Meta model pt 2
49. The 14 NLP Presuppositions
50. Cartesian Coordinates
51. Open ended and circular questions
52. Standards - how to create and maintain
Live calls will take place on Wednesdays from 8:00-9:30am Pacific Time / 11:00am-12:30pm Eastern.
* Membership includes access to recordings of the past 12 months of sessions.
** Billing is $199/month and is automatically billed monthly.
***Members may cancel at any time with 30 days written notice.
Practice Makes Perfect(er) is a weekly group coaching program designed to give you hands on training and experience in highly effective communication skills. Each module can be implemented in your business and personal life immediately! And whenever you need a refresher, you can go back and watch a replay anytime you want as long as your membership remains active.*
All relationships, both personal and professional, are based on how effectively we communicate.
The better you can express your wants, needs, and intentions, the more you will succeed in every area of your life.
Similarly, the better you can understand someone else’s wants, needs, and intentions, the better you can help them succeed.
CLICK HERE to sign up now!
Some Concepts to be Covered
1. Future Pacing - make it more compelling using submodalities
2. The Rewind Technique
3. Placing a Goal in your Future Timeline
4. Adjusting your Mindset for Positive Expectations
5. Chunking - recognizing the emotional driver
6. Anchoring and firing states / emotional drivers (defining a state and the chain that gets a client there)
7. Values hierarchy
8. Values in goal setting
9. NLP Anchoring
10. Self-hypnosis + Triple Warmer technique
11. Metaphors and storytelling
12. EFT Tapping
13. Good communication - being at cause - 100% responsibility - removing blame from others
14. E = Empathy (Disarming Technique, Thought and Feeling Empathy,
15. A = Assertiveness - I feel statements
16. R = Respect - Stroking (finding something positive / feedback sandwich level up) - how to respect their model of the world
17. Reframing - finding multiple perspectives
18. Circular questioning
19. Ho’oponopono - using the forgiveness process for energy management
20. Sleight of Mouth fundamentals
21. Avatar - creating your client avatar using Layers of the Mind
22. Attracting your client avatar
23. Elevator pitch - Effectively framing what you do
24. Round table discussion about current struggles
25. DISC - review of prominent behavioral characteristics
26. Role playing with D
27. Role playing with I
28. Role playing with S
29. Role playing with C
30. Motives - review of prominent motivating characteristics
31. Motivating a theoretical
32. Motivating a utilitarian
33. Motivating an individualistic
34. Motivating an aesthetic
35. Motivating a social
36. Motivating a traditional
37. Layers of the Mind Model of coaching
38. GROW Model of coaching
39. FUEL Model of coaching
40. Funnel Model of coaching
41. Overcoming Objections with Chunking
42. Limiting beliefs - gaining wisdom from perspective
43. Acknowledging a person’s struggle - avoiding toxic positivity
44. Perceptual positions
45. Overcoming internal conflict with chunking for a common purpose
46. Ask anything open format
47. Meta model pt 1
48. Meta model pt 2
49. The 14 NLP Presuppositions
50. Cartesian Coordinates
51. Open ended and circular questions
52. Standards - how to create and maintain
Live calls will take place on Wednesdays from 8:00-9:30am Pacific Time / 11:00am-12:30pm Eastern.
* Membership includes access to recordings of the past 12 months of sessions.
** Billing is $199/month and is automatically billed monthly.
***Members may cancel at any time with 30 days written notice.